Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fantasy football and other reasons to be annoyed....

There are so many things I was thinking about writing about today - favorite sayings of mine and how they relate to most situations, men and how they relate to most situations, last nights swimming lesson and a funny mom I laughed with too loud in the pool. But I think, after this mornings debacle, I will rant about getting my almost 5 year old beautiful daughter Jayden dressed and the hour of hell I go through at least once (sometimes 5 mornings) a week. forward a whole day - I had started the above yesterday and since I never finished I am assuming you can take a wild guess of how the rest of the day went. I am actually going to switch topics completely, but we will revisit the clothing issue at a later date (possibly tomorrow LOL).

Anyway, I am going to discuss men. I know, totally a topic that has been beaten to death, much like I would like to do to my own man at times.....So like all women (well maybe expect for the Stepford Wives) I complain about my husband A LOT! He doesn't do this, he does too much of that yadda yadda yadda.

The start of August for me means the beginning of a very long, tedious fantasy football season. As soon as Superbowl is over I tend to put the whole affair behind me, much like forgetting how bad childbirth is (not that I know what that is like since I had c-sections, but I hear it is awful) - now I will say that I used to be a HUGE football fan and a fantasy football participant BC. Before Children. For some members of my family who shall remain nameless, Before Children (BC) and After Children (AC) is basically the same - not as much drinking, not as many dinners out, not as many dinners at all, and vacations are certainly less than relaxing. But for me - life was completely altered forever.

Now my husband is an AV guy, if he isn't talking about AV things he is talking about football. Luckily the two topics go hand in hand and we have a TV in almost every room - in the "tool room" we have a 50" hanging on a beam. So when I am looking for him and both he and his laptop are missing I can pretty much safely assume he is in there. Usually watching ESPN. During football season he goes missing quite often and quite often he is discovered there, with drool on his shirt in a trance watching two games on the 50" (thank GOD for picture in picture) and another on his laptop.

This past Sunday it all started - the phone ringing off the hook about football nonsense, the hours upon hours that he spent researching players and football news, the talking to me about these things like I care. After four hours of dedicated research, I ran by him, hair out of whack, makeup dripping down my face, clothes stained with kid stuff, out of breathe and chasing screaming children dripping ice pops everywhere, and said "oh, I forgot how much I love football season". He looked up at me with the blank stare men have perfected and said (this is an exact quote) "Why, because I am reading one article?" Is he kidding me? If it takes him four hours to read one article on football, I should start having my almost 5 year old read it to him - might be quicker and this way at least he could take notes. 

Before I go further down this road I will take a brief minute to say that I am married to a very nice, good guy. He is a wonderful father, a hard worker, pretty easy on the eyes and when there are no children around vieing for our attention we get along very well.

Okay, now that I have given him some credit I will continue.....

With the birth of our second child during football season he did tell me that he was strictly going to concentrate on Patriots games only. How nice. How considerate. The Patriots do however still play 16 regular season games - and as we all know, they do play OTHER teams, so, even though he is only concentrating on the Pats he does still have to do his due diligence regarding the opposing team. Enough said on that.

So my friends, football season is here. My husband has been taken over by it and my patience is already wearing thin. On top of it we are renovating our kitchen starting this weekend. By we I mean he. He is choosing to take on a complete gutting of our kitchen by himself, with all his free time......(giggle giggle)....

See you tomorrow -

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