Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I really like cake...

Every morning when I get to work I call my coworker who is also my friend, my Weight Watchers buddy, my lunch partner and so on. We check in - give each other an update on what our morning weigh in was and confirm our time for our 2 mile walk at lunch. Today I call, just like every morning, and when she answers I say "Good morning from a 139.5 lb person" (happy since the scale was down again this morning). She doesn't say anything. "What's wrong?" I ask, she says very matter of factly, "I really like cake".

Despite the name of my blog I am not going to spiral everyday into a sea of negativity - my mother would say that I am not being negative, but a realist instead. I don't really want to be viewed as a negative person - I certainly don't think of myself as a negative person. The exercise of this blog, for me, is to vent, is to take all these random thoughts that consume my time and quite literally put them somewhere.

Anyway, moving on now....

My friends' comment made me stop and think about my own morning moment on the scale - every morning, after I've bonded with my Wii Fit, I get up on that scale hoping to see a change for the better. If I don't, my day doesn't start well - if I do, well then it's going to be a great day! Why does the weight showing on my scale weighs in on my happiness? Why do I do this to myself every day? If I was to change my behavior and weigh myself at the end of the day would it be better? Would it be better to reflect on my actions and choices that I made that day then to let my day be consumed with guilt that I was awful the day before? No need to answer - just a rhetorical thought.....

Okay, so I am making a big deal out of a scale - I'm letting a number affect my day - how pathetic! Life is too short to judge myself so harshly. Instead, today, I am making a conscious decision to be grateful for the things I do have, and yes, I should even learn to be grateful for the few extra pounds I have too - (yeah right - I know I am not fooling anyone with that comment). But if I were "normal" and not obsessive, then yes maybe I could settle with a few extra pounds -

My 20 year high school reunion is fast approaching at the end of this month. My goal, which I assume is similar to everyone elses', is to quite frankly is to look amazing at it.  Well, of course I will settle for looking okay - but amazing would certainly be better. So for the next 30 days I am Wii'ing it and walking and walking and walking -

until tomorrow.....

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