Monday, August 8, 2011

Pure Amazement....

Okay, if you know me at all you know I love a good husband bashing. During these rants I am not really anti my husband but more letting off steam, unleashing frustration with a little humor at the expense of my husband.

I will say this once and only once (maybe). I do tend to repeat myself, and since a few years ago when my husband informed me that he only retains 30% of what I say, I tend to repeat myself at least 3 times with the hopes of someone hearing me.

My husband, Jason, is AMAZING! Yes I said that out loud.

And not in a room alone.

And not with my slightly nasally, New York accented voice laden with sarcasm. I make that comment to you dear reader with the utmost sincerity.

So what did my husband no to deserve this praise? He completely demolished our kitchen himself. In one weekend. With no complaints. "None?" you ask. None. Not a word, not a yell, not an aggravated tone. Nothing. Rien. Nada. Zilch. Zero. A good start to our in-house remodeling efforts I'd say.

He has a game plan. Electrical tonight, insulation this week, sheet rocking next weekend and so on. Hopefully, in 3 or 4 weekends we'll have a brand spanking new kitchen!

Can I order take out to celebrate? 

1 comment:

  1. First, that's really great! I am proud of him and happy for all of you. I am in the same boat. I have a good guy for a husband. There should be more of them.
    Second, I find it hilarious that I just wrote (about to post) a blog entry on a trick I use to get my husabnd to listen and remember what i say. I log back in and read the line:
    "I will say this once and only once (maybe). I do tend to repeat myself, and since a few years ago when my husband informed me that he only retains 30% of what I say, I tend to repeat myself at least 3 times with the hopes of someone hearing me."
    LMAO!!!!! I have the trick to slove this prob lady!!!
