Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Twenty years....

It has been 20 years since I graduated high school. 20. Wow. Just saying that makes me twitch.

So, I'm going to my reunion this year - I feel I must - I feel that I will regret it if I don't and I promised myself a long time ago no more regrets. But now that I have made the decision to go (without my 2 best friends since they aren't local) I feel like I should take a moment to reflect on my life so far.

What have I accomplished in 20 years? I have worked for Estee Lauder, I have managed retail stores, I have been a cocktail waitress, a bartender, I have touted the benefits of rebranding and name changes, of single stream recycling, of credit union membership, I am a wife and a mother. But what have I accomplished? I haven't made a difference in the world....I haven't cured a disease, invented something new, written a book, or, basically made a mark anywhere - is that true? Do I have to have done something that I am recognized for to feel that I have made a difference?

I am charity driven - I try to give back to my community and teach my daughters to do the same. I try to be responsible with our natural resources and teach my daughters to do the same. I try to do unto others and will teach my daughters to do the same. I try to be my own person, stand up for what I believe and I will teach my daughters to do the same. Is this my difference? If I have done nothing else in 20 years but teach my children to be good, and kind, and generous, and responsible, is that my legacy? I will be happy if it is.

20 years is a long time. I think the years between 18 and 38 are the most changing/challenging years. You discover who you are, what you stand in, what you are going to become in your life. Most of us rent our first apartments, buy a house, our first car, get married, have children, get divorced, maybe sadly lose a parent or another loved one. These were life altering years.

I'm curious to see what everyone has become since June of 1991. In my head we are all frozen in time, we are all 18 again just starting out. I have no wrinkles or laugh lines, nothing sags, nothing is starting to ache, all the boys are still boys with all their hair and their bostrious laughter. 20 years are ahead of us and we are packing the Greenwich High School class of 1991 time capsule.

Until tomorrow....



  1. Audra ... I'm with you on the giving back and teaching our kids to be responsible, giving people! I feel like what I have given back is my greatest accomplishment and I hope that I've imparted some of that on my kids.

    I don't know about the reunion though .. I think I'll just stay in my cave!!

  2. I miss you even more when I read thiese. Can't beleive I'm sucked in!! Miss you, you rock, have fun at reunion for me!! gotta go, diapers to change, kids to chase!! You are a star!!!!!!
