Monday, August 15, 2011

Fantasy Football revisited.....

1,696 active players. 32 teams. 16 weeks of regular season. 4 weeks of preseason. Yes, this is football.

So, if you read my previous blog Fantasy Football and others reason to be annoyed you know how I feel about this season and fantasy football in general.

Before I continue I want to let you know that my first daughter was a scheduled c-section during preseason on Wednesday August 30, 2006. My second daughter was also a scheduled c-section during regular season Wednesday, November 30, 2009. If you know football you know games are not on Wednesday nights. Thank god. I was in the hospital 5 days with both girls. Milford Hospital did not televise night games. Jason stayed home on football nights to watch them.

Anyway, my point is this. We have now been raising our 2 girls during football season for 5 years. 5 years of leaving my husband alone on Sundays. 5 years of Monday night football, Sunday night games, betting accounts and fantasy football. 5 years of running yard stats, passing yard stats, touch downs, interceptions and more. You name it there's a stat on it, and Jason knows it. Unfortunately I usually know them too since he is constantly filling me in on the details. He does this about wiring too - I could care less about either topic.

This year during the season, Jason is renovating our kitchen. This will be the first time in 10 years that he will not be participating in fantasy. WHAT! SERIOUSLY!!! Yes, you heard it here first. I will repeat it for those who know Jason and have either fallen down, are refreshing this page frantically thinking they received it in error, or are reaching for a paper bag to catch their breathe.



Simply put, he just has too much going on. (those, my friends, are his exact words)

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that he isn't doing it. But I have a nagging feeling somehow this will bite me. I have a suspicion in a few weeks when things settle down, this will be turned against me -

I actually feel bad that is he choosing to remain on the sidelines this year. I feel like he will become a kid with his nose pressed against the glass looking in at the party that he wished he was invited to. This is his hobby. Yes it is time consuming. Yes he focuses way to much on it - almost to the point of obsession. But who am I to judge obsessions? I have many.

I just read him a draft of this - I thought I would give him a heads up that I am writing about him. He has a thing about me talking about him to strangers, or really anyone at all about him. His response. "People actually read this dribble?" Yes, they do.

Until tomorrow.....


P.S. He wanted me to include the fact that I am writing this and he has NOT been fed yet. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

So now what....

Next week I will be sitting on Ellen's couch. We will be laughing about the stories I am sharing with her about the days when I had a "real job". We'll talk about where I pull my daily inspirations from, my background, my family, where I grew etc. She might even surprise me with a visit from Kid Rock!

Okay, so this obviously isn't really happening - but I can see it now.

It has been almost 2 weeks since I started this blog and in my head it has taken on its own life. It is powerful. I have a huge following. I have branched into a stand up routine and promotional items. Megaphones, pill boxes and more. I endorse many pharmaceutical items including (but not limited to) Zoloft, Xanax, Lexapro and other medications to keep me and others like me sane. I have a website. I have a brand. I have a logo.

Seriously, now what? Can I run with this? Can I make it into something that I could do full time? I am an extremist. It is all or nothing for me and has been my whole life. There has never been a halfway point for me - there is no middle ground. So right now I am in the midst of typing away frantically (otherwise it would be considered half ass and that isn't me). For 2 weeks I have been writing. I find it very therapeutic. It is nice that people are reading it, sharing it - but I would enjoy doing it regardless.

I tend to become obsessive with new things - I am full speed ahead, no holds barred, for 2 weeks, maybe a month and then it happens.I stop. It just ends - one day I wake up and just stop doing that thing, whatever it may have been.

I need there to be a goal, a purpose, a point where I can say "okay I did it". I like stressful goals that seem overwhelming. I like stress I think. I seem to search it out, create it. I like to take on several things at once, my timing is always bad. I am usually in the middle of one project and starting another at the same time. I always have an errand that needs to be done, a return to be made. It is never ending and, as I said before, I think self initiated. It gives me something to rant about and you, if you choose, something to read about.

Until tomorrow...



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The language of children....

Last night my 20 month old daughter Brodie said "I love you mommy" for the first time. Of course it did not sound as clear as that but I knew what she said nonetheless. After she said it she clapped for herself and said "yeaaaaah". She is very cute.

Last night my almost 5 year old daughter Jayden said "get out of my room, I need my alone time". That wasn't the first time she said that, nor will it be the last, and unfortunately, it was as clear as that. She did not clap for herself. She did not say yeah. She is also very cute, especially when she is sleeping.

Sidebar: Imagine if I said "get out of my room, I need my alone time". LOL, yeah right - I'm sure everyone would clear the room and let me have a few minutes to myself. Maybe even bring me a coffee.

It is amazing to me the process of learning language. You want your children to be cute and adorable and say cute and adorable things. As a parent, and I think most will agree, those first few years when they are learning to talk, their pronunciation is off, their tenses are off and quite honestly we like it - we laugh at it - we call our friends and relatives and share about the funny things that were said, how they were said, why they were said. We love these moments, cherish them, better organized people than me write about them in a journal.

Life goes on, children get older, we teach them to speak properly, we teach them to reason, we teach them to express themselves, we teach them to argue....and, we wish for silence. When the constant noise, endless chatter stops, I miss it.

It is 10 pm. Jayden has just fallen asleep. Have a good night,


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Twenty years....

It has been 20 years since I graduated high school. 20. Wow. Just saying that makes me twitch.

So, I'm going to my reunion this year - I feel I must - I feel that I will regret it if I don't and I promised myself a long time ago no more regrets. But now that I have made the decision to go (without my 2 best friends since they aren't local) I feel like I should take a moment to reflect on my life so far.

What have I accomplished in 20 years? I have worked for Estee Lauder, I have managed retail stores, I have been a cocktail waitress, a bartender, I have touted the benefits of rebranding and name changes, of single stream recycling, of credit union membership, I am a wife and a mother. But what have I accomplished? I haven't made a difference in the world....I haven't cured a disease, invented something new, written a book, or, basically made a mark anywhere - is that true? Do I have to have done something that I am recognized for to feel that I have made a difference?

I am charity driven - I try to give back to my community and teach my daughters to do the same. I try to be responsible with our natural resources and teach my daughters to do the same. I try to do unto others and will teach my daughters to do the same. I try to be my own person, stand up for what I believe and I will teach my daughters to do the same. Is this my difference? If I have done nothing else in 20 years but teach my children to be good, and kind, and generous, and responsible, is that my legacy? I will be happy if it is.

20 years is a long time. I think the years between 18 and 38 are the most changing/challenging years. You discover who you are, what you stand in, what you are going to become in your life. Most of us rent our first apartments, buy a house, our first car, get married, have children, get divorced, maybe sadly lose a parent or another loved one. These were life altering years.

I'm curious to see what everyone has become since June of 1991. In my head we are all frozen in time, we are all 18 again just starting out. I have no wrinkles or laugh lines, nothing sags, nothing is starting to ache, all the boys are still boys with all their hair and their bostrious laughter. 20 years are ahead of us and we are packing the Greenwich High School class of 1991 time capsule.

Until tomorrow....


Monday, August 8, 2011

Pure Amazement....

Okay, if you know me at all you know I love a good husband bashing. During these rants I am not really anti my husband but more letting off steam, unleashing frustration with a little humor at the expense of my husband.

I will say this once and only once (maybe). I do tend to repeat myself, and since a few years ago when my husband informed me that he only retains 30% of what I say, I tend to repeat myself at least 3 times with the hopes of someone hearing me.

My husband, Jason, is AMAZING! Yes I said that out loud.

And not in a room alone.

And not with my slightly nasally, New York accented voice laden with sarcasm. I make that comment to you dear reader with the utmost sincerity.

So what did my husband no to deserve this praise? He completely demolished our kitchen himself. In one weekend. With no complaints. "None?" you ask. None. Not a word, not a yell, not an aggravated tone. Nothing. Rien. Nada. Zilch. Zero. A good start to our in-house remodeling efforts I'd say.

He has a game plan. Electrical tonight, insulation this week, sheet rocking next weekend and so on. Hopefully, in 3 or 4 weekends we'll have a brand spanking new kitchen!

Can I order take out to celebrate? 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Moments of serenity and other things I long for......

I take two 2-miles walks each day in my never ending quest for the perfect me. The perfect me doesn't have to walk backwards to the bedroom after a shower, the perfect me can wear a really teeny bikini, the perfect me can wear stretch pants (if I had any desire to do so) in public, the perfect me does everything I do now, just perfectly....

Anyway, in the morning after I drop the kids at school, I drive thru Dunkin' Donuts, order my medium iced mocha cream 2 splendas and drive to work. I park, lace up my sneaks and go - I love this walk. This walk is quiet, isolating, this walk is my me time. For 20 minutes I have no cell phone and no company - it is the only 20 minutes in any 24 hour day I am not on call, no one is yelling "mommy", no telemarketer is tracking me down at work, no one is trying to sell me anything or ask me for a donation, it is total complete alone time. I will say during this time I do often think I could be kidnapped, run over, fall down an embankment only to be found days later, get mauled by a Mountain Lion, or perhaps a runaway cow. But still, I take my chances each day - the possibility of any of those things happening is slim and honestly those 20 minutes are very worth it.

I use that morning walk to unwind, destress from my morning of trying to get kids dressed and out of the house. Today as I walked alone up the hill behind my office, the early sun was peaking through the trees in that perfect way that casts an amazing balance of light and shadows. Looking up at it I was struck with a moment of pure serenity - a moment that happens rarely, a feeling of peace that I usually associate with sitting in the late day sun at the beach or when I got married and we took a few weeks and drove through the mountains of the midwest. It was a  moment that could only be dampened by an attack of a Mountain Lion - not seriously of course, actually a speeding car, a barking dog and a 3 painters that were talking really loudly interrupted it - but I was grateful for that moment nonetheless. 

My second walk of the day is at lunch time with my girlfriend and co-worker. For me this walk is a moment to walk away from my desk and spend 20 minutes chatting and laughing. Like all women we just gab about nothing, well not nothing but the usual daily dribble, our husbands, our kids, what we are doing that night etc....but it is a much welcome break from the day - This walk passes much to quickly and too soon we are seated back at our desks in front of the computer, next to the never ending ringing of the phone or the deadlines that are approaching to rapidly.

I am trying to cherish moments lately - all too often I wish away the minutes, the hours, the days and for what? Life is too short - time with friends and family is too short. In the end we only have the moment.

I long for quite moments. I long for laughter with my kids, endless hugs, snuggles and kisses. I long for cool breezes on summer nights, I long for cups of hot cocoa during the winter, and moments of pure serenity I can hold on to, remember, cherish and share.

Until tomorrow....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fantasy football and other reasons to be annoyed....

There are so many things I was thinking about writing about today - favorite sayings of mine and how they relate to most situations, men and how they relate to most situations, last nights swimming lesson and a funny mom I laughed with too loud in the pool. But I think, after this mornings debacle, I will rant about getting my almost 5 year old beautiful daughter Jayden dressed and the hour of hell I go through at least once (sometimes 5 mornings) a week. forward a whole day - I had started the above yesterday and since I never finished I am assuming you can take a wild guess of how the rest of the day went. I am actually going to switch topics completely, but we will revisit the clothing issue at a later date (possibly tomorrow LOL).

Anyway, I am going to discuss men. I know, totally a topic that has been beaten to death, much like I would like to do to my own man at times.....So like all women (well maybe expect for the Stepford Wives) I complain about my husband A LOT! He doesn't do this, he does too much of that yadda yadda yadda.

The start of August for me means the beginning of a very long, tedious fantasy football season. As soon as Superbowl is over I tend to put the whole affair behind me, much like forgetting how bad childbirth is (not that I know what that is like since I had c-sections, but I hear it is awful) - now I will say that I used to be a HUGE football fan and a fantasy football participant BC. Before Children. For some members of my family who shall remain nameless, Before Children (BC) and After Children (AC) is basically the same - not as much drinking, not as many dinners out, not as many dinners at all, and vacations are certainly less than relaxing. But for me - life was completely altered forever.

Now my husband is an AV guy, if he isn't talking about AV things he is talking about football. Luckily the two topics go hand in hand and we have a TV in almost every room - in the "tool room" we have a 50" hanging on a beam. So when I am looking for him and both he and his laptop are missing I can pretty much safely assume he is in there. Usually watching ESPN. During football season he goes missing quite often and quite often he is discovered there, with drool on his shirt in a trance watching two games on the 50" (thank GOD for picture in picture) and another on his laptop.

This past Sunday it all started - the phone ringing off the hook about football nonsense, the hours upon hours that he spent researching players and football news, the talking to me about these things like I care. After four hours of dedicated research, I ran by him, hair out of whack, makeup dripping down my face, clothes stained with kid stuff, out of breathe and chasing screaming children dripping ice pops everywhere, and said "oh, I forgot how much I love football season". He looked up at me with the blank stare men have perfected and said (this is an exact quote) "Why, because I am reading one article?" Is he kidding me? If it takes him four hours to read one article on football, I should start having my almost 5 year old read it to him - might be quicker and this way at least he could take notes. 

Before I go further down this road I will take a brief minute to say that I am married to a very nice, good guy. He is a wonderful father, a hard worker, pretty easy on the eyes and when there are no children around vieing for our attention we get along very well.

Okay, now that I have given him some credit I will continue.....

With the birth of our second child during football season he did tell me that he was strictly going to concentrate on Patriots games only. How nice. How considerate. The Patriots do however still play 16 regular season games - and as we all know, they do play OTHER teams, so, even though he is only concentrating on the Pats he does still have to do his due diligence regarding the opposing team. Enough said on that.

So my friends, football season is here. My husband has been taken over by it and my patience is already wearing thin. On top of it we are renovating our kitchen starting this weekend. By we I mean he. He is choosing to take on a complete gutting of our kitchen by himself, with all his free time......(giggle giggle)....

See you tomorrow -

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I really like cake...

Every morning when I get to work I call my coworker who is also my friend, my Weight Watchers buddy, my lunch partner and so on. We check in - give each other an update on what our morning weigh in was and confirm our time for our 2 mile walk at lunch. Today I call, just like every morning, and when she answers I say "Good morning from a 139.5 lb person" (happy since the scale was down again this morning). She doesn't say anything. "What's wrong?" I ask, she says very matter of factly, "I really like cake".

Despite the name of my blog I am not going to spiral everyday into a sea of negativity - my mother would say that I am not being negative, but a realist instead. I don't really want to be viewed as a negative person - I certainly don't think of myself as a negative person. The exercise of this blog, for me, is to vent, is to take all these random thoughts that consume my time and quite literally put them somewhere.

Anyway, moving on now....

My friends' comment made me stop and think about my own morning moment on the scale - every morning, after I've bonded with my Wii Fit, I get up on that scale hoping to see a change for the better. If I don't, my day doesn't start well - if I do, well then it's going to be a great day! Why does the weight showing on my scale weighs in on my happiness? Why do I do this to myself every day? If I was to change my behavior and weigh myself at the end of the day would it be better? Would it be better to reflect on my actions and choices that I made that day then to let my day be consumed with guilt that I was awful the day before? No need to answer - just a rhetorical thought.....

Okay, so I am making a big deal out of a scale - I'm letting a number affect my day - how pathetic! Life is too short to judge myself so harshly. Instead, today, I am making a conscious decision to be grateful for the things I do have, and yes, I should even learn to be grateful for the few extra pounds I have too - (yeah right - I know I am not fooling anyone with that comment). But if I were "normal" and not obsessive, then yes maybe I could settle with a few extra pounds -

My 20 year high school reunion is fast approaching at the end of this month. My goal, which I assume is similar to everyone elses', is to quite frankly is to look amazing at it.  Well, of course I will settle for looking okay - but amazing would certainly be better. So for the next 30 days I am Wii'ing it and walking and walking and walking -

until tomorrow.....

Monday, August 1, 2011

So this is me

Okay so this is me, uncut, exposed, slightly compulsive with definite martyr tendencies....what makes me different from you, you ask? Not much hopefully. Hopefully you will find comfort in reading this, I will feel comfort in writing this and most importantly we will share some giggles along the way.

So how did I get to this point in my life? Wish I knew. What I do know is that I have arrived here, not sure I'm too happy about it and certainly not sure what is next. I'm a venter, a complainer, funny if you like a caustic, crass, certainly dry (maybe a tad bitter) woman. I'm also a wife, a mom to two girls, a Credit Union marketer, a chronic dieter, an avid recycler, an even more avid couponer put it mildly, angry.

If I had to trace back to what went wrong I might initially blame the woman's lib movement - seriously ladies whose idea was this? Did these woman really think that the woman in the future would want to do it all? Could do it all? Really, seriously COME ON! This was not in our benefit! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a strong woman, a woman who doesn't need a man to do this or that - but in no uncertain way did I sign on for working full time, raising a family, keeping a house clean, a refrigerator full, paying bills, doing laundry and as you all know all to well how long the list is - the list we are expect to do with a smile, without a complaint and without (most times) a thank you.

Now, you might have read this far and you might be saying to yourself - this woman is just going to complain about the same things we all complain about - or maybe you don't complain about these things and either A) enjoy them B) don't enjoy them but just don't say anything or C) are heavily medicated and/or drink LOL. Okay, sorry, I digress. This "blog" if you will is just a snapshot of the daily trials and tribulations we all go through and my take on them, which again I hope you will be able to relate to and hopefully find funny.

Enjoy the ride my friends.......feel free to comment, share etc....
